
Showing posts from August, 2015

What Miracle will you Embrace ToDay

Just how aware are you of GOD's presence and the workings of heaven in Your life? Did you know there are supernatural GOD moments occurring in and around us all the  time.   The book of St. James the apostle tells us..., Let Patience have her perfect work,  that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.     James 1:4 GOD's desire for your life is to make you whole. To perfect or mature you, to complete the process of renewing your mentality and see that you are not disadvantaged, not lacking in any area of your life. When you really come to understand His faithfulness to you, a spirit of joyful expectation will begin to spring up in your heart. You will start looking for good, and expecting GOD's very best.  You'll be planting the seeds of faith that will send  provision and fruitfulness into your future. What follows is a life now lived in the spirit where anything is possible. The  phrases , "Thy Kingdo...

Love will out last...selfish, self-serving, evil deeds and motives..

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails The Great Mysteries of Time and Humanity and the Universe can all be understood in this Simple phrase.... That GOD is LOVE... Its the reason for the Beginning .. Middle ...and the End to Come... Love is the Most Enduring Power Known... You can't Climb to its Heights or reach its Depths... Love will out last...selfish, self-serving, evil deeds and motives.. So...whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away... Just think back over Your Life...Acknowledge the fact that LOVE…. His Love for You...Expressed in His Call, His Grace...His Anointing...His Promises...are the One Single Constant… and Sustaining Power… and the   Reassuring Hope...

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