
Showing posts from September 7, 2015

Habits Decide Future.... Not Desires

Habits Decide Future.... Your Daily Habits are influencing what your futures will be.... The Statement "Today is the first Day of the rest of your Life" seeks to drive Home the principle that its never to late to get your bearings and set things in the right direction as the Chinese Proverb..., Every Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with the First Step... And so its been said..., if you succeed it will be tied to some one thing you did daily.., likewise.. if you fail it will be traced back to some daily Habits. said another way creating a successful life is the result/practice of a pattern of good habits and likewise if you develop a life-style of bad or unhealthy habits they will divert and postpone GOD's best life and future for you Habits are more powerful than desire.... GOD has always encouraged His people to seek Him Daily... To rehearse His Word and Principles Daily until they work to change our thinking and deeds. So Psalms 145:2 declares.....