
Showing posts from February, 2013

Powerful this Day - In - Between!!?

So what about all the In - Between Times!!!?.... If FriDay represents Symbolically the Day of Completion - For He Declared..." It Is Finished..." and SunDay the Day of Manifestation when the Power and Glory of the Promise was revealed to Us all.... What do we say about this Day - In - Between!!? SaturDay.... Because its here that the most of our living takes place.... its here that we face our fears and deal with our doubts ... So He Says ..."I'll Never Leave You nor Forsake You..." that.. "Greater Is He ...that Is Within You..." that ..."Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work..." that ..."My Grace Is Sufficient For You...." that "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."

From the works of JJ Owens, Promises

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Have you ever found yourself in love just       for the sake of Love itself?      Love does possess a power and            life of its own. First, to capture one's passion, then with a self-giving ability, it creates truth and inspires virtue. It constrains the will, quickens the senses and challenges motive and intentions. Self-denial and personal sacrifice are her distinguishing characteristics. Love unconditional is that rare         and precious gift. It occurs once, maybe twice in a lifetime.       It finds one in ten thousand. Never to be misconstrued with the      self-serving, self-seeking common-place events so wrongfully  taken for loving relationships. Whether short lived or given to longevity, such mutual manipulations of...