From the works of JJ Owens, Promises


Have you ever found yourself in love just
      for the sake of Love itself?
     Love does possess a power and
           life of its own.

First, to capture one's passion,
then with a self-giving ability, it
creates truth and inspires virtue.

It constrains the will, quickens the senses
and challenges motive and intentions.
Self-denial and personal sacrifice
are her distinguishing characteristics.
Love unconditional is that rare
        and precious gift.

It occurs once, maybe twice in a lifetime.
      It finds one in ten thousand.

Never to be misconstrued with the
     self-serving, self-seeking
common-place events so wrongfully
 taken for loving relationships.

Whether short lived or given to longevity,
such mutual manipulations of mind and body
          can but hold dull,
dimming reflections in tarnished wares
held in comparison to Love's cherished
       crystal clear brilliance,
marked by unconditional gracious favor.

So, if by chance you find yourself to be,
Love's Honoree, in receipt of this rarity,
whatever you do, don't turn it away.

Receive its honesty and learn its ways.
jj owens 


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